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Welcome to the website of the Consorzio Tutela Vini DOC Friuli Aquileia,
the cradle of viticulture in Friuli Venezia Giulia, where history, land and wines mingle with the souls of our producers, who carry on a thousand-year-old tradition.
The Consortium
The Consorzio Tutela Vini Doc Friuli Aquileia was established in 1976, and currently has a group of about twenty members. The vineyard surface area is around 450 hectares.

The task of the Consortium is to protect the production, the specific features and the thousand-year history of these lands, through the continuous specialization of the wine growers and a careful knowledge of the land. In this way, we protect and make the voice of this land heard.
i vini

Over 2000 years of history
Aquileia’s history has always been linked to wine and there are many finds and references to jugs, amphorae and materials linked to the consumption of wine since the period of Republican Rome.
The freshness and saline explosiveness of the whites, capable of interpreting very well the varietal scents combined with the specific characteristics of the soil and climate, is followed by the depth and fullness of the reds, capable, thanks to the particular pedoclimatic conditions, of ripening in an optimal way to obtain wines of great pleasantness.
The member companies